Tuesday, December 20, 2011


This is a podcast of some of my favorite songs by different artists!

Image citation: "Google Images." Google. Web. 20 Dec. 2011. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgbQ8q5EQj3PVs-_hhPvHH7MwTlUU6JIg713bJOH5PxJ5lZLpowhyHHxwlk9OHpjvPCEXzoIvZEvDkOUVCbhlGgq9z2P8pkJ71lIDrJIy7yo9CVSF2uGFs7VlDnUqUkQemAkRt3PWGfhAs/.

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Monday, December 5, 2011

What do I say?

The topic I had for this project was changing the shape of information.  I learned that there are so many ways you can communicate with people then just by email or letters.  I learned that you can help people out and communicate with people in other countries that need loans or other things.  It was hard at first to find out ways about changing the shape of information, but once I started researching, it was easy.  I learned that people give other people in poorer countries loans so they can help provide for their families.  I also learned how to use a lot more stuff on the computer.  I did not know how to use movei maker very well before this project, and now I do.

The thing I enjoyed most about this project is commuicating with other kids around my age in other parts of the country.  I thought it was cool how we had to make outsourced clips for each other.  It was fun to send other kids messeges through the ning to try to communicate what we were doing.

Some of the biggest challenges in this project was getting everything done on time.  We only got a certain amount of time to work on the project each day.  I had to come in after school one time just to make sure my video was complete and accurate.  Also, some of the things on the wiki got deleted by other peope by accident, so some people had to do stuff over.

If I could one thing about this project, it would be the amount of time we get to finish it.  Some people in my class did not finish because there was not enough class time.  It would have been nice to get one extra day just to make sure our projects were perfect.