Tuesday, December 20, 2011


This is a podcast of some of my favorite songs by different artists!

Image citation: "Google Images." Google. Web. 20 Dec. 2011. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgbQ8q5EQj3PVs-_hhPvHH7MwTlUU6JIg713bJOH5PxJ5lZLpowhyHHxwlk9OHpjvPCEXzoIvZEvDkOUVCbhlGgq9z2P8pkJ71lIDrJIy7yo9CVSF2uGFs7VlDnUqUkQemAkRt3PWGfhAs/.

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Monday, December 5, 2011

What do I say?

The topic I had for this project was changing the shape of information.  I learned that there are so many ways you can communicate with people then just by email or letters.  I learned that you can help people out and communicate with people in other countries that need loans or other things.  It was hard at first to find out ways about changing the shape of information, but once I started researching, it was easy.  I learned that people give other people in poorer countries loans so they can help provide for their families.  I also learned how to use a lot more stuff on the computer.  I did not know how to use movei maker very well before this project, and now I do.

The thing I enjoyed most about this project is commuicating with other kids around my age in other parts of the country.  I thought it was cool how we had to make outsourced clips for each other.  It was fun to send other kids messeges through the ning to try to communicate what we were doing.

Some of the biggest challenges in this project was getting everything done on time.  We only got a certain amount of time to work on the project each day.  I had to come in after school one time just to make sure my video was complete and accurate.  Also, some of the things on the wiki got deleted by other peope by accident, so some people had to do stuff over.

If I could one thing about this project, it would be the amount of time we get to finish it.  Some people in my class did not finish because there was not enough class time.  It would have been nice to get one extra day just to make sure our projects were perfect.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Keynote Video

1.  I think Keynote is called Big Little Classrooms because classrooms have different cultures and different ways of collaborating.  Some classrooms have more ways then others.
2.  On piece of technology they use is called elluminate.  This allows them to communicate all on one screen with people in their classroom and around the world.
3.  Anne is able to chat with others via videochat.  She used webcams to talk to other teachers and people around the world.
4.  I agree with what Anne said.  You can learn so much by just videochating with other people around the world.  They can teach you about their culture, and you can teach them about yours.  Sometimes though, some people just learn better in the classroom.
5.  I think it is really important to make real-life connections.  That way, it would make global collaboration more interesting for you.  If you make connections, other people might make connections.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The World is Flat 3.0

We are currently working on a project in school called the Flat Classroom Project.  I have learned a lot of things so far in this project.  I was a little worried that I was not going to be really bored with this project, but once I started it, it is not so bad.  We learned all about different ways of communication.  And also how we are more alike then we are different.  One thing I am excited about is being able to communicate with other people in different countries and being able to collaborate with them.  This is a good way of learning other people's culture and what it is like in their country.

Most things in the video I agreed with for the most part.  At some points I got lost because the man was talking so fast and he had so much information to say.  But the things I did catch, was very interesting and I totally agree with.  One thing in particular that I agreed with is when the man said that we are going to burn up our plant.  I agree with that because I think we all need to start working togather and not making to much pollution.  We either change or die.  If we don't do something the energy impacts are going to swamp us.  The man left us in the middle of a sentence saying "If you don't change the leaders, we are...".

Why does everyone hate America?  Maybe it's because we have freedom, or because we think we can do anything.  Many other countries don't have as much freedom, and can't do everything they want.  The global economic playing field is being flattened and us Americans are not ready.  I was a little surprised that everyone is more alike then different.  It all makes scence once I think about it.  The video also said that the 21st century will go to whoever will adress the energy issues.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Good music video

I choose this music video because it is a good song.  Taylor Swift is very inspirational to a lot of young people.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


OneNote 2010 is a Microsoft program on the computer that allows people to take oragnized notes.  You can do much more than just take notes on OneNote though, you can put pictures, write a to-do list, put videos, and links to websites on OneNote also.  If you are a student wanting to take notes in class, or a adult wanting to make a grocery list, OneNote is a good program to use.

OneNote compared to Microsoft word, is like day compared to night.  Microsoft word limits you to writing words and putting those words in different fonts.  That is not very exciting.  But, OneNote allows you to write the text anywhere you want on the page, write in different colors, take organized notes, highlight important notes, put videos and pictures on the page, and much much more!

OneNote would benefit professionals and students everywhere.  If you are in a meeting and dont want to write down all the things that your boss is saying, just type and take notes on OneNote.  Or if you are sitting in school not wanting to take notes over what your teacher is saying, just pull out your computer and take notes on OneNote.  It is better to use OneNote so you don't have to use up a lot of paper.  I would highly recommend using this awesome feature on the computer.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Favorite Websites

A website I like to use is YouTube.  This is a good website to watch music videos on.  It is a good place to go if you want to just listen to music or have a good laugh.  There are millions of videos to look from.  People can also upload videos of them or their friends.
Another one of my favorite wesites is the West Des Moines Schools website.  This way, I can keep track of all my good grades and make sure I am being a good student.  I can look at my lunch account money to see if I have enough too! 
Another good website to go to is dearblankpleaseblank.com.  This is a website to go to if you want to laugh!  You can even upload one to.  It is a very exciting website.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Blog

Hi!  My name is Ashley Buising.  I am currently in a class at Valley High School called Digital Communication Tools.  The purpose of this blog is to discuss the products we are using in the classroom.  One new way I learned to take notes is to use Evernote!  It makes taking notes simpler and faster! In this class I hope to learn how to use technology to my advantage.  This is going to be an exciting class!  The technology I use most is the internet.  I am constantly on Facebook and texting my friends.

In my free time I like to watch movies, hang out with friends and family, and go on Facebook.  My favorite way to communicate is by texting all my friends.  My parents get very annoyed with my constant texting, but it is the only way I am able to communicate with my friends when I am not at school.  My favorite activity to do in school is cross country.  I go to cross country everyday after school for a couple hours and run about four miles.

What is your favorite piece of technology?