Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The World is Flat 3.0

We are currently working on a project in school called the Flat Classroom Project.  I have learned a lot of things so far in this project.  I was a little worried that I was not going to be really bored with this project, but once I started it, it is not so bad.  We learned all about different ways of communication.  And also how we are more alike then we are different.  One thing I am excited about is being able to communicate with other people in different countries and being able to collaborate with them.  This is a good way of learning other people's culture and what it is like in their country.

Most things in the video I agreed with for the most part.  At some points I got lost because the man was talking so fast and he had so much information to say.  But the things I did catch, was very interesting and I totally agree with.  One thing in particular that I agreed with is when the man said that we are going to burn up our plant.  I agree with that because I think we all need to start working togather and not making to much pollution.  We either change or die.  If we don't do something the energy impacts are going to swamp us.  The man left us in the middle of a sentence saying "If you don't change the leaders, we are...".

Why does everyone hate America?  Maybe it's because we have freedom, or because we think we can do anything.  Many other countries don't have as much freedom, and can't do everything they want.  The global economic playing field is being flattened and us Americans are not ready.  I was a little surprised that everyone is more alike then different.  It all makes scence once I think about it.  The video also said that the 21st century will go to whoever will adress the energy issues.


  1. This is a great blog post it really helped me out on some stuff that i was confused about

  2. I really like your blog.I was also confused at first but once you start working this porject sounded easy. I like the detail you have included in this blog.

  3. I agree america is not ready for the world to flatten

  4. I really like your blog.I was also confused at first but once you start working this porject sounded easy. I like the detail you have included in this blog and i am looking forward to this book and are you?

  5. We need to have more free trade with other countrys.

  6. Chris, please share with us what you think the advantages of free trade are. How would this help our country and others?

  7. Yes Groney I am really looking forward to this project. It will be very exciting! I agree with Chris that we need to have more free trade.
